A warm mid July type day welcomed more than 130 guests to Wooden Sticks for Golf Ontario’s SOLD OUT Member Day presented by 94.9 TheRock on Tuesday October 9th. With a festival feel in the air, golfers arrived at the club with an early morning sun bright in the sky and temperatures working its way into the mid 20s. For many this was their first experience at the well know course but what made it more special was the the look and feel of the facility set up. Guests were greeted at the course by GO staff and a Championship like atmosphere complete with a TaylorMade Range. Our partner for the event from 94.9 TheRock took things to an even better level adding the fun element of music played on the range and first tee as well as off the back patio for those on 10, 18 and grabbing BBQ lunch at the turn.
Following warm up and a buffet breakfast, golfers made their way to carts for the 10am shotgun start and road off into the mid morning sun for their round following a few words from GO, Wooden Sticks and morning show hosts Craig & Lucky.
On course golfers enjoyed seven contests holes including long drive, straightest drive and closest to the pin. For the next five hours golfers could be heard celebrating great shots, laughing and enjoying themselves and yes even a little bit of trash talking and chirping. All in good fun and exactly what the purpose of the day was all about.

Shortly after 3pm carts rolled in and the groups made their way inside to catch up over refreshments and for some draw prize giveaways and on course contest winners. This provided a great outlet to get feedback and promote membership to those not yet converted and inform them of where GO is headed in terms of providing more services as part of membership. Again alongside Rock hosts Craig & Lucky who hammed it up during the draw prizes, guests were treated to dozens of draw prizes, celebrations of on course winners and an overall fun atmosphere.
94.9 TheRock have already stated on air and at the club that this partnership will grow and expand to include more events next year in the GTA. They see the value of getting in-front of new potential listeners. For Golf Ontario and Wooden Sticks the lead up on air promotions prior to and following the event gave us thousands of dollars worth of airtime promo exposure to hundreds of thousands of listeners in the GTA. Their hosts on site at the event including Craig & Lucky (Morning show), Doug Elliott (Afternoon drive), Lee Eckley (Evening), Dean Blundell (special on air personality) all made on air and social media mentions about the day they had with GO and added further exposure for GO following the day.
Photos of the beautiful day can be found here